Got to bed around midnight last night. Hard to turn in much earlier since it is light until 10:30! Today we hit Edinburgh hard. Briefly, (since I have quite a few pictures) the historic district is called the Royal Mile.
It starts at Edinburgh Castle and ends at the Palace of Hollyrood-House. The history spans from the 12th century when the Castle's construction began through the Reformation and John Knox's house all the way to J. K. Rowling and her inspiration for the Harry Potter series.
We caught the daily 1pm cannon shot from Edinburgh Castle. It has been fired daily since 1861. It was used to keep the ships in the harbor informed of the correct time. |
As you may know, Great Britain voted to leave the European Union yesterday. Scotland is not happy, this is a demonstration reflecting their frustration, again, with England. |
A great street artist. "Suspended" in the air above his "walking stick". Yes, he released his hand periodically from the stick. Ideas? |
Suspended street artist? You can do a lot with a little bit of steel, a welder, and some spray paint.